To support the grade expansion of Madison Park Business & Art Academy (MPA) program from 9-10 to 9-12, a new highly felxible, 2-story classroom building was constructed to provide a permanent space exclusively for MPA high school students, currently housed in temporary portable classrooms. The new classroom building features 14 classrooms, 2 science laboratories, 4 student restrooms, 6 administrative offices and increased staff work space. Exterior renovations created an inner assembly area for student activities as well as new parking.
The design aimed to drastically reduce operating costs by pursuing a zero net energy strategy. Ecofriendly landscaping is watered with an automated system and complies with California’s Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and Bay-Friendly guidelines. Rainwater is be captured, stored, and filtered into the plumbing system and used for flushing toilets. UDCE is served as site civil engineer for the entire project including potholing and stormwater management.
Oakland Unified School District
Byrens Kim Design Works